Master, your 2007 yearly flying stars remedies says that it only apply to houses
or offices that already had good Feng Shui and correct "Ch'i" energy flow. Does
that mean we need to fengshuied our hse before we apply it? Answer:
Lynn, why we mentioned that for the reason that applying annual flying stars techniques
can both be complicated and yet simple. Before the stars actually took result,
you need to first have the correct "Ch'i" flow from external environment. Most
practitioners had the habit of jumping straight into the internal property base
on stars chart and forgot about the external environmental flow. No point if you're
good with finding all internal remedies but your exterior environment is bad or
with unpleasant energy low. This consists of door facing as well. Feng Shui is
about how well you're able to tap into the correct chi with the surrounding that
will enhance our quality of life. Question
Posted by Lynn [Answered : 09:11:56 AM] |
I have organized my office as per the feng shui principles, even though I have
suffered great financial loss. My birth date is XX-XX-1976, and my kua Number
is 6. My cabin is in southwest corner of office, and My terminal desks face North
direction. I sit facing north, and am able to see the doors. I don't understand
what wrong I could have done in office that brought this difficulty. Can I do
anything to bring positive change? Please help. Answer:
Ravi, most of the things you've mentioned are of internal factors. Have you check
your external environment? Most
practitioners neglect the importance of external feature including door location
and direction. No point if one is good or best equip with indoor Feng Shui skill
when your external environment is unpleasant. You're not tapping into any correct
Ch'i. Question
Posted by Ravi [Answered : 21:09:22 PM] |
best Sheng Qi direction is at south, is it best to invite the laughing Buddha
or lively dragon to guard my wealth & look after family harmony? Answer:
Nana, sad to say that your theory are based on superstition instead of feng shui.
Classical or Traditional Feng Shui is mainly concerned with how the energy or
Ch'i is harnessed from external environment into our premises. It had nothing
to do with
man-made objects that
signified wealth or protection. These
objects is not going to affect the ch'i in your Sheng Qi sector and creates results.
What you can do is to use this favorable location often, e.g locating your bed
and work desk. Question
Posted by NaNa [Answered : 15:44:08 PM] |
my girlfriend has allergy and place a 2 feet by 2 feet box fan in the bedroom,
blowing out the door with a filter in the back - this is to trap dust particles.
eversince that, we are having relationship problems. do you think it has something
to do with a fan in the bedroom? Answer:
relationship problems has nothing to do with the blowing fan box. You should check
if your bedroom is located in a positive sector and also, the influence of annual
Chi (Energy) aka changing patterns of our environment that took place annually
and monthly. The
ever-changing world is about Yin & Yang. When there's "Positive", there will be
"Negative". Nothing lasts forever, Good or Bad. Question
Posted by Meng Ang, San Jose, CA [Answered : 13:25:01
PM] |
My garden fish pond is located at the Zhen Shen Location. Any cure to hide the
bad Chi? Answer:
the garden pond immediately. Question
Posted by Louise [Answered : 19:56:14 PM] |
masters, storing things under the bed means disturbance while sleeping. Is it
bad feng shui? Answer:
is again another myth. It does not give off bad energy. Question
Posted by Katherine [Answered : 09:55:45 AM] |
husband and me are east group persons. And my main door faces to North-East side,
In one of feng shui book it is mensioned that North-East facing house is not good
for east group, it might cause lawsuit to occupant, Can you please suggest any
cure for that, placing the fu Dogs will be the cure? Answer:
has to depend on the flying stars and external factor as well. Can we have both
gua numbers to suggest the cure? Fu dogs are not part of classical Feng Shui and
we do not need them at all. Question
Posted by Sara [Answered : 12:09:32 PM] |
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