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Hi Master, I just came from a search on the 8-Mansion Theory. Is Sheng qi the best direction out of the 4 lucky areas? I'm planning to paint the best direction in green. Could you please advice me any other way to enhance the location. TQ

Eight Mansion or Bazhai is an interesting application but yet it can sometimes be misleading. In general, this system is to determine our favorable and unfavorable direction and Sheng Qi is often regards as the best direction. But if you were to dig deeper into the system, it does not necessary mean that.

Colouring the Sheng Qi location in green is a totally wrong concept. Because of its association with wood element, doesn't mean it had to look greenly. This system is about location with direction. If you're trying to enhance your Sheng Qi, You should use the sector often, for instance, placing your work desk and so on¡K

Question Posted by Doretta
[Answered : 14:32:19 PM]

I'm really a novice at feng shui - I incorporate SOME of the principles but not all - so I'm not sure if the stove is located correctly. I'm guessing that it does not sit in my favorable location (because I do not have any difficulties in interpersonal relationships) just diminished personal romance.

Since I cannot rebuild my house structure, what can I do to correct the disparity? I've also tried to incorporate other feng shui ideas - such as closing all doors at night...that's a bit much for me as I like sleep with the bedroom door open - but I've been closing the other doors (closets, bathroom, rooms).

Dear Antinette,
Base on your birth data, you can place a small pot of flowers in North Sector of your bedroom or living hall. Alternately, you may also use a vase with fresh cut flowers. These will be your romance sector and lastly, try to use the East sector as often for instance you can position your bed there.

Sleeping in your bedroom with its door either close or open has nothing to do with Qi. If the door is located in a beneficial area, you'll have already tapped into the positive. It doesn't matter whether it is open or close unless you'd seal it up. If you prefer to sleep with the door open, please do so. It will not affect anything.

Question Posted by Antinette
Maryland, United States
[Answered : 17:23:18 PM]

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