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I just shifted into a peaceful, beautiful home with garden and nice scenery surrounding it. But I noticed since we moved in, we have had nothing but financial problems. Do it mean that a beautiful home does not always have good fengshui?

Storing stuff like old used book underneath my bed and dead plants can cause bad feng shui too? Please advise.

Financial problems in Feng Shui aspect are normally related to bad influence of the house structure and wrong mountain locations. Another issues which is the most important that we need to take note is the influence of the external environment.

A gorgeous looking house with nice scenery does not guarantee you anything. Many people had mistaken that a good-looking property will always provide you with the best energy, which is totally wrong. You're a true evidence yourself that we believe you'd finally stayed in a dreamed home of your own, but what happen next?...nothing but Financial Problem.

We'd heard too many theories that says you need to clear everything underneath your bed,?... how your money being flush away related to toilets and so on. Those are "MYTH". What you'd just bring out is another famous myth; a deadly plants will cause bad influence. Again, the answer is "No". Because it is relates to the word "dead" doesn't mean it bring bad energy. Think again; what about your home furniture? Aren't they produce and manufacture using dead wood too?

Feng Shui is calculation base on specific directions and locations. It is not about theory that relates to a story or related word. For instance, when you think of a toilet, it relates to you with word "Flush" or "Wash Away". Does that means it will flush or wash anything away? "No" of course. We're not here to relate it into a story flow or meaning of the word "Flush Away."

People love to relate all this "Words and actions" with Feng Shui theory which can easily mislead you. If you're seriously looking into all these factors, you need to make sure which are the Myth, Truth and which theory falls under Culture believe..or worst even,...superstitious.

Question Posted by Chirstina, Hesperia Ca
[Answered : 14:11:16 PM]

I like to find out when I renovate my office in the current period, it becomes period 8, right? The thing I am concerned is that the building that house my office is period 7, and it is only my office that get renovated, so should I use the period 7 or 8 chart? Secondly, the building entrance is facing se1, but the main door to my office face another different direction, I should use the facing direction of the main building or rather the direction of my office main door?

I appreciate if you can help me over here.

Your office will remain and follows the period of the whole building, which are period 7. To determine the facing direction, you need to take note of which feng shui formula you're applying. Both building and door facing are equally important.

If you're using the flying star theories, you must focus on the direction and intention of the whole building.

Question Posted by Fraser
[Answered : 11:36:44 AM]

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